The product is suitable to use in the steel, the aluminum fiber, tiny rigid granules, pulp, sewage, slurry, coal ash and petroleum gas etc. 本。产品特别适用于钢铁业、铝业、纤维、微小固体颗粒、纸浆、污水、泥浆、煤灰、石油气等介质。
The results showed that the Clara cell contains highly developed GERL, including ACPase-positive rigid lamellae, condensing vacuoles, coated vesicles and the coated regions, and GERL may be involved in the formation of the secretory granules. 结果表明Clara细胞具发达的GERL,包括ACP阳性的致密膜囊、致密囊泡、有衣小泡和细胞衣被覆区,Clara细胞GERL参与了分泌颗粒的形成。